UK Ireland Nationals 2023 Qualifier #2

Welcome to the UKIN Championships 2023 Open Qualifiers. Teams will compete in two double eliminations tournaments for a total of 3 spots in the UKIN Championship 2023.

Open Qualifier #1: 3rd & 4th December 2022 (1 UKIN Spot)
Open Qualifier #2: 17th & 18th December 2022 (2 UKIN Spots)


-The signups close on Friday 16th December at 20:00 GMT
-All players need to be in the UKIN Discord. Once in please request the role for your team. Discord:
-To be eligible to play, all players must be signed up and in the roster on the website. So please make sure all players are currently signed up and in the roster.


UKIN Qualifier rules:

A team manager/captain must be nominated at the start of any UKIN qualifier tournament and they will have final say on any decision regarding the team. They will also serve as point of contact for all communication.

3 of the 5 players have to be current residents of the UK upon submission of the roster to the UKIN Organisers. The roster must have a minimum of 5 Starting players & up to 2 subs. The qualifying team is allowed to add players to fill out any spots.

A minimum of three of the original winning team's players need to accept being on the team in order to take the UKIN placement spot. Otherwise, the UKIN spot will pass down to the next valid team based on the qualifier tournament standings.

Each player on the team that earns a UKIN spot has full rights to be a part of the qualified team and may not be removed involuntarily. Any new players added post qualifier to the winning roster must have participated in the same, original qualifier as long as they were not disqualified for any reason.

If any players on the qualifying team is already participating in UKIN, Nordic Championship or NPL, the UKIN spot will be forfeited to the next team in the tournament ranking. The team will still retain any prizes won By signing up to this tournament you acknowledge you have read and understood the above rules


Brackets and game times will be generated on the Friday evening when signups have closed. Teams will be notified of these going live via the UKIN Discord.

A few things regarding playdays;

- The Higher seeded team will have hosting privileges.
- Map bans will be done using Once the map bans have completed, a screenshot of the map bans are to be sent in your team channel.
- There is a team contact channel in the discord to get players IGN's to invite them to lobbies.
- MOSS is required during this qualifier. All MOSS files are to be kept incase tournament staff may need them.

If you have any other questions regarding this qualifier please get in touch with the UKIN admin in the Discord.