Posted 25/07/2020 15:00
This week we’re talking to Week 3’s MVP Joe from Fierce Esports, who has proven himself as one of the most formidable players in the league and a fan favourite

Hey Joe, you are a famous name in the UK scene but for those who don’t know you can you give us an introduction?

For people that don't know who i am, I'm 18 years old and i'm currently playing for Fierce esports, I’ve been on the team for around 3 months now. I've been playing siege since release and switched to PC around 4 years ago.

You faced off against Na’Vi in week 3 which saw you claim the Week 3 MVP title due to your amazing performance; how do you prepare when taking on such an established team as Na’Vi?

I personally prepared for the game by making sure I went into the game with the right mindset, so that I was able to play as well as I did.

Do you feel much pressure with people comparing you to Doki or potentially being a future star?

I don't really feel much pressure, as I know that the only person that can stop me is myself and putting pressure on myself will only make me play worse, so i just play and don't think about my individual performance, and just focus on winning.

Away from the PC do you have any rituals or preparations you do for a game day?

I wouldn't really say i have any rituals or preparations for game day, the only thing I do is make sure that i've had enough to drink so that im not dehydrated so i can focus on the game.

We are just about to hit the halfway point in the group stages of the UKIN Summer Season, who do you see as the top 4 entering the finals and why?

I see Us, Cowana, NaVi and MnM finishing top 4, because as of right now I would say those are the top 4 teams as of right now even if the recent results might not show it. For example, MnM have not had the best start to the season however they are still a great team and i'm sure they will end up finishing top 4.

A lot of UK & Ireland players will be looking up to as they want to start their journey in Rainbow Six Esports, what advice or tips do you have for them?

The only advice I can give, is if you want to improve the only way you can do that is by putting the time in, that’s the only way to improve and you need play whenever you have the chance to.

Beans on Toast, yay or nay?


Create your own team - you are the coach, what 5 players are you picking up? It can be any player Pro or Am across the world.

I would say Pengu, Fultz, BriD, Shaiiko and Bosco. I would pick Pengu just because of how consistent he can play any operator in any position, which gives the team a lot of flexibility. I would also pick Fultz because of how well he can find opening picks for the team and because of his flexibility on defence. I would pick BriD because of how well he is able to play the support role and still find frags for the team and how well he can play smoke on defence. I picked Shaiiko because of his raw aim and fragging potential, which is completely unmatched compared to any other player. and finally, I would pick Bosco because of his flexibility as a player as he can play most operators to a very good standard and because of how well he can clutch rounds.

Any final comments or places for people to follow you?

I post quite often on Twitter, my handle is @Joe_R6S and I post clips on there sometimes